System Status

Current Status as of

Gravity Fed: No known issues 

Pressurized: No known issues

Experiencing an issue? Here's whom to contact & when.

There are two systems: Gravity Fed (below altitude of Treatment Plant on Circle Drive) and Pressurized (at or above altitude of Treatment Plant on Circle Drive). 

Experiencing an issue? Here's whom to contact and when:

  • Loss of service: 24/7 emergency hotline (360) 630-0970
  • Odor/Color of Water: Water & Wastewater Services, LLC of Mount Vernon (our service provider) at (800) 895-8821 or (360) 466-4443 Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm 
  • Report a leak producing large amounts of water in a short period of time with the potential for flooding roads, property, or buildings: 24/7 emergency hotline (360) 630-0970
  • Report a leak that does not have the potential for causing damages in a short period of time: Water & Wastewater Services, LLC of Mount Vernon at (800) 895-8821 or (360) 466-4443 
    Note: If calling after hours on Friday through Monday morning, call the emergency hotline at (360) 630-0970
  • Flooding/Emergency Shut-Off to Property: 24/7 emergency hotline (360) 630-0970

Boil Water Advisories/Notices/Warnings are issued when there has been a loss of water service. These may be due to planned repairs, emergency repairs, or extreme weather conditions, to name a few. 

While our system is treated with bacteria/virus killing chlorine, there is still a chance pathogens can enter into the system at any point during a shut-off and infect the system. For this reason, when there's a loss of service, we need to test fresh water for these pathogens. 

This is not a dipstick test, nor can it be done in-house in a matter of minutes such as with a pool testing kit. A state approved lab needs to culture the sample, which takes a minimum of 24 hours to grow the specimen and determine whether the water is compromised. 

During this time, homeowners are advised to use treated, bottled water. If this is unavailable, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Washington State Department of Health (DOH) urge consumers to boil tap water

To bring tap water to a safe, consumable state, bring tap water to a rolling boil for a full minute and then cool. 

You should be using boiled tap water for: 

  • drinking
  • giving animals/pets water
  • making ice 
  • brushing teeth
  • preparing infant formula 
  • mixing cold beverages (e.g. powdered/reconstituted mixtures) 
  • preparing food 
  • washing vegetables and fruits 
  • coffee makers
  • washing dishes by hand
  • watering garden/in-door plants used for consumption  
  • washing baby toys, bottles, nipples, dinnerware, flatware (unless using a dishwasher or washing machine)
  • washing pet toys, bowls (unless using a dishwasher or washing machine)
  • wiping down food preparation / hygiene areas (e.g. bathroom counter) unless using cleaners or water treated with bleach

In other words, anything directly or indirectly going into a live being's body. 

During the boil water advisory/notice/warning, exercise caution when bathing infants, young children, and those with skin sensitivities. It is recommended to give these individuals sponge baths with boiled water that has been cooled to tepid temperatures. 

Note that most in-home water filters (in-line, faucet attachments, refrigerator/freezers, carafe such as Brita) do not remove the harmful bacteria and viruses. It is advisable that whenever you know there will be a system shut down to turn off your ice maker until the advisory/notice/warning has been lifted. If this is not possible, dispose of any ice created during the advisory/notice/warning. 

It is not necessary to boil water for: 

  • dishwashers 
  • washing clothes 
  • housecleaning 
  • washing vehicles
  • watering lawn or plants not used for consumption 
  • showers
  • to flush a toilet 

Should You Lose Service

1. Contact your service provider 

Water & Wastewater Services, LLC of Mount Vernon
(800) 895-8821 or (360) 466-4443 Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm
After hours and for emergencies: (360) 630 0970

2. Use only bottled or boiled water. 

3. Continue using bottled or boiled water for a full 96 hours once service is restored.

After Boil Water Notice/Advisory/Warning Lifted

- Flush faucets for a minimum of 15 minutes. To flush, turn on the cold water tap at all faucets and run the water for at least 15 minutes. Begin with an exterior hose bib faucet and run until clear. Inside, start with the faucet that is highest up and furthest from the incoming water in your home or building and then open the other faucets one at a time moving from the highest floor to the lowest, furthest from incoming water to least. 

- Flush refrigerator water and ice maker dispensers and lines and clean them. Follow the directions in the owner's manual or:
  * Change the filter cartridges.
  * Throw out ice.
  * Flush the water dispenser for 3 to 5 minutes.
  * Run the ice maker for 1 hour.
  * Throw out all of the ice.
  * Wash and sanitize bin areas. 

- Emptying your hot water heater is not necessary.