Rate Increase Reminder



Our rates increase
this month

As we notified everyone in May,
rates are increasing in September.
Base rate for all connected members,
which includes capital improvements
and DWSRF* loan repayments
is $153.11. Please adjust your ACH
payment accordingly to avoid costly
fees and possible shut-off.

*DWSRF: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Take a moment to review your statement which should be arriving within the first week of September 2024 before submitting payment. Remember, there is a late fee assessed if payment is not received by the due date. For those with a balance owed 45 days after the statement is issued, you will be subject to shut-off of service. The fee for shut-off is currently $200.00 with an additional $200.00 for restoration, all of which must be paid, along with all current charges and late fees, prior to restoration. 

Our current billing agent, Water and Wastewater Services, LLC of Mount Vernon reports that USPS mail delivery in our area is problematic. They encourage members to sign up for email delivery. You can do this by submitting a request to hannahm@wwsvc.com. Be sure to include: 

  • System Name: CCCC (Camano City Community Club) 
  • Your account number 
  • Your service address where you receive water

If you haven't done so recently, now is a good time to update your contact information. Water and Wastewater makes every effort to reach out to members who are a bit behind before taking more serious action, such as shutting off your water service. You can do this by adding a neatly printed card to your payment or drop us a card at 1019 S. Circle Drive, Camano Island, WA 98282 or fill out this form here

Note that this increase is phase 2 of a 3 phase increase plan. Rates increase again in January of 2025.